
My time travel — Omo River Valley, Southern tip of Ethiopia


Sabina i Edek Baral  i ich przyjaciolka Helena Lindskog odbyli podroz do Rwanda + Ethiopia.

Sabina bedzie przyslylala do blogu swoje  zdjecia z podrozy . Dzis czesc pierwsza

sabina 1

Deep in southern Ethiopia. No electricity, no running water, no roads, no common language… The 3 of us, a jeep with driver, and our guide. Gasoline in plastic containers on the roof. Cases of bottled water and our duffel bags in the trunk.

baral 2.The Mursi. The jewelry was amazing in this village.


 Married women adorn themselves by inserting a terracotta plate into a slit in the lower lip; a custom started centuries ago to appear unattractive to slave traders.


The Mursi men paint themselves to resemble guinea fowl.

Kategorie: Uncategorized

1 odpowiedź »

  1. Fascynujace zdjecia. Jak wy trafiliscie do takiej egzotyki?

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