
8 historii, które nie zmieniły świata

Nadeslal Jan Spiewak

jan spiewak

Prawie 4 lata od premiery nasz film „8 historii, które nie zmieniły świata” jest wreszcie dostępny online. Zapraszam do oglądania.

Our film „8 Stories That Haven’t Changed The World is finally availabe online. Enjoy!

Masha Leon in the Jewish Daily Forward:

This much too short 35-minute gem of a film interfaces the childhood memories of eight Holocaust survivors, with not a single reference as to where any of them had been during the war, what they had suffered, and whom and what they lost. It is an uplifting, charming, at times, laughter-eliciting journey with a cast of travelers whose world vision is inspiring.


Kategorie: Uncategorized

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