
Europe’s Migrants: Between Empathy and Self-preservation.

We have all stared in dismay at heartfelt pictures of dead refugee children who had been trying to brave the waves while trying to cross from the violent and poverty-stricken Middle East to the wealthy Europe. Indeed, these are gut-wrenching images of human misery. The “Welcome Refugee” signs are decorating buildings from London to Berlin. Facebook sites, street marches and support centers are springing up all over Western Europe. Thousands of noble, well-meaning people are extending a helping hand. The left-wing sympathizers are in the forefront of the “Support the Refugees” movement. Many others, largely in Eastern Europe, have doubts and don’t want to take in these migrants. Marcin Zaborowski, executive VP at the Center for European Policy Analysis, offers an explanation typical for many European pundits: “ ..rising xenophobia is playing a role, … there is this wave of refugees… Most of the countries, like Poland, have no proper infrastructure in place .. and little appetite to spend precious resources.” Translation: People who don’t want to settle refugees in their country are selfish xenophobes. Left-wing media denounces them as xenophobic racists Nazis.



Przyslalal Ewa Korulska

ewa korulska








Kategorie: Uncategorized

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