
Ciekawostka muzyczna


Podeslal mi  ( Basi Jaworskiej ) Michael Hurschell, dyrygent Die Neue Jüdische Kammerphilharmonie Dresden:

We had a great tour in Israel, performing Zemlinsky, Rozsa and Korngold for audiences unfamiliar with any of those works. If you are interested, here is a short video summary of the media attention we received:

Przyslala Basia Jaworski






Kategorie: Muzyka

1 odpowiedź »

  1. Thanks for posting this Basia! We hope to travel more frequently in the future. I’d also like to mention our wonderful experience visiting Wroclaw, where we performed at the White Stork Synagogue in February 2012. – M. Hurshell, artistic director, Neue Jüdische Kammerphilharmonie Dresden

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