Site icon REUNION 69



Przyslala Basia Jaworski

After a carefully built career of 25 years at smaller opera houses, Piotr Beczala has been at the absolute top for many years now.  Here is a ten years old conversation with the Polish tenor: about saying no, his love for operetta and about everything else.

It is not that the tenors (and not just the tenors!) suddenly fall out of the sky, even if it sometimes looks like it. A voice has to grow, mature, gain experience, build repertoire. Slowly, slowly… only then will you get there. And – more importantly – you stay there.

No one is more aware of this than Piotr Beczala. “You have to be patient, don’t rush things and don’t take on roles that don’t suit you”, he says. “I used to be a notorious ‘no-sayer’. It’s almost unbelievable what kind of roles were offered to me, roles that I couldn’t sing at all, especially then. But I always stuck to my guns, because I didn’t want to be only a one-day wonder”.

“Now, after more than twenty years of carefully building my career, I can do a lot more. My voice has developed and it has become bigger and darker, my technique is solid and my confidence has grown, so now I can concentrate much more on my acting. I can sing most of the roles that I am now offered, so most of the time I don’t have to say no anymore. Casting directors and intendants know very well what I will or won’t accept, so I get less and less of the crazier proposals. And to those I’ll just say no again”.

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