

Napisala i przyslala
Basia Jaworski


Barbara Hannigan Conductor-SingerPhoto: Marco Borggreve

© Marco Borggreve

Barbara Hannigan is the undisputed prima donna of modern music. Her musicianship commands great respect, her technique is flawless, and her possibilities (think of those extreme high notes) are almost endless.

On a beautiful and sunny late afternoon end of September 2011 we meet for the first time. Contrary to my habit I am five minutes late, but I do have an excuse. My first question, even before I start making apologies, might be a little odd, but she responds with laughter. “Barbara, do you love cats?”

Yes, she loves cats. Living on the road, unfortunately, makes it impossible for her to have one. Her beautiful eyes sparkle, but I can see question marks forming in them as well.

Hannigan reizen

© Barbara Hannigan website

I explain to her right before I wanted to leave the house, my black monster jumped on my desk, shoving all sorts of things off of it, including my phone and my voice recorder. That breaks the ice, and our meeting turns into a relaxed and cosy afternoon.

A week or so later, we meet again. This time I do carry my notebook and pen, and notes are written down.

Hannigan Boulez

with Pierre Boulez © Barbara Hannigan Website


After she sang Boulez’s Pli selon pli in London, the British critic Ivan Hewett (The Telegraph)  wrote: ,,She does the kind of high-wire acrobatics with her voice that very few singers can manage, and she does it with a bravura that stops you dead in your tracks. All this is joined to a startling stage presence and cool blonde beauty that contrasts interestingly with the heat in her voice.”


Hannigan in Pli selon pli in Amsterdam:



According to Hewett she could have had a big career as a queen of coloratura, but instead Hannigan decided to specialize in  contemporary music.

Hannigan Elmer de Haas

© Elmer de Haas

“I chose modern music all by myself,” Hannigan says. “I found it thrilling.  It is exciting to  collaborate with composers, although I do not always enjoy everything I have to sing.

The ‘non vibrato,’ for example, is absolute horror to me. It goes against the natural way of singing.  Vibrato is the soul of singing, it transmits emotions. I did it on special request of a composer (no, no names), but without pleasure. ” She adds decidedly: ,,It takes away the personality of the voice.”

She thinks it is nonsense modern music should be sung differently from the classics. “Modern music, in fact, is a form of belcanto. Without technique it is impossible to do. It is my repertoire, and it is indeed hard, but it gives me a sense of intense gratification.”

“Of course I am careful. But as a rule I sing everything as if it were Mozart. I do need to protect my high notes, though. So if I sing Stravinsky’s Le Rossignol, for example, I make sure I combine it with less extreme pieces. ” Laughing: “One day, I would not mind singing Donizetti’s La Fille du Régiment, and if Juan Diego Flórez could be my partner….

Hannigan sings Le Rossignol:

Calosc TUTAJ

Kategorie: Muzyka

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