
Basia Jaworski poleca

Nadeslala Basia Jaworski


reunion 69 .1


14 symfonia Szostakowicza, nagranie ` na zywo`, z izraelska sopranistka Gal James i holenderskim barytonem (nie, on ne jest basem, jak stoi w tekscie) Thomasem Oliemansem


The Symphony No. 14 (Opus 135) by Dmitri Shostakovich was completed in the spring of 1969, and was premiered later that year. It is a work for soprano, bass and a small string orchestra with percussion, consisting of eleven linked settings of poems by four authors. Most of the poems deal with the theme of death, particularly that of unjust or early death.For detailed notes on this symphony I urge everyone to forward to this site-http://www.markwigglesworth.com/notes… and for text and some translations to-http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/assemb…

Kategorie: Uncategorized

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