
The most creative way you will ever see the story of Passover



Here is Exodus 3-7, too much to quote here. Featuring the Burning Bush, Moses, Hebrew slaves, strange gods (actually goddesses), Aharon, Pharaoh, a staff turning into a snake, and sing-along phonetic hieroglyphs.
The introduction to this scene is „God Calls Moses to Mt. Horeb”,
Music: Go Down Moses en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_Down_Moses
Arranged and performed by Louis Armstrong (with Sy Oliver’s Orchestra, 1958): en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Armstrong
Unlike most other Seder-Masochism scenes I’ve posted, this one isn’t primarily parody; the overall message is similar to that of the song. I still argue it’s Fair Use, and transformative. Parody isn’t the only way to transform (nor is transformation the only criterion for Fair Use). „Go Down Moses” itself was transformative without being parody: it made Exodus into a story of American slavery. Creativity is complicated and shouldn’t be dictated by lawyers. LET MY PEOPLE GO!
Oto tekst tego super utworu, spiewanego przez Louisa Armstronga – wielkiego przyjaciela Zydow.

When Israel was in Egypt land…

Let My People Go!

Oppressed so hard they could not stand…
Let My People Go!

So the God seyeth: 'Go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all Pharaoes to
Let My People Go!’

So Moses went to Egypt land…
Let My People Go!

He made all Pharaoes understand…
Let My People Go!
Yes The Lord said 'Go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all Pharaoes to
Let My People Go!’

Thus spoke the Lord, bold Moses said:
-Let My People Go!
'If not I’ll smite, your firstborn’s dead’
-Let My People Go!

God-The Lord said 'Go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all Pharaoes to
Let My People Go!’

Tell all Pharaoes
Let My People Go

Kategorie: Uncategorized

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